Colorado Reggae Bands
A growing list of Colorado based reggae bands, artists, DJ’s and other performers. This list is composed of artists who are currently making and performing reggae music and music in similar genres around the great state of Colorado. We also keep past groups listed so we can reminisce. Click on an artist below to learn more about them.

- A-Mac & The Height
- BetaRay
- Beyond Bridges
- DJ BloodPreshah
- DJ Chris Milly
- Denver Vintage Reggae Society
- Denver Reggae Social Club
- Dubskin
- Gracie Bassie
- DJ Imeh
- Giant Walking Robots
- Gracie Bassie
- Green Buddha
- The Groove Thief
- The Hashtones
- Inside The Mind
- Irie Still
- Iron Roots
- Justus & the Limits
- Logan LaValley
- Luna Shade
- DJ Mi Twice
- The Mashup
- Mono Verde Collective
- MountainUs
- Niceness
- Oh Like WOW
- One Drum
- Original Roots
- P-Nuckle
- Policulture
- Project-432
- Ras Moses
- Red Sage
- Selasse & the Fafa Family
- Stylie
- Tatanka
- Wake Up & Live
- The Waking Souls
- Wylie Jones